Sri Venkiteswara Educational Foundation has been actively functioning since 2003, with its headquarters at Kochi. The foundation is operating in both Kerala and Karnataka. The institution was formed with the prime focus on distance education and consultancy services for learners across South India. In 2020 Sri Venkiteswara Educational Foundation has registered as an educational trust under Govt. of Kerala, Reg. No: 57/IV/2020. Our mission is to make you realize the strength of education and it is not that to con in four walls of conventional class rooms. This idea is being flourishing from a highly focused vision to arm the new age leaders with world-class educational standards; it is to equip them to meet the next level professional challenges.
If you are not willing to learn, none can help you and if you are determined to learn, none can stop you. Instruction ends with the classroom, but education ends only with life.